Work Smarter, Not Harder!

The Knowledge You Need Doesn’t Have to Cost You a Fortune!

Here is a Middle Ground that Will Give You the Same Results Without Setting You Back!

  • Do you need knowledge on a specific subject or career but find that the current sources offered don’t give you the answers you need?
  • Do you believe that successful businesses only need a simple, solid foundation and a basic knowledge of the workings involved?
  • Are you considering forking out the money to hire a mentor or life coach?

Before you spend your hard-earned money, we want to offer you a much cheaper option that’s just as effective!

Even though mentors and life coaches will do everything they can to convince you that you need one-on-one sessions with them to receive the desired effect, the reality is you are paying for the knowledge they have. And you are more than capable of taking those nuggets of knowledge and turning them into results without having it cost you a ridiculous sum of money.

With my online download system, “The Brand Advocates” houses mentors and coaches who are experts on various topics: email marketing, eBooks, social media, building a database, utilizing a team, etc, you’ll be able to master the ins and outs of running a successful business. These expert coaches share the knowledge they have on various outlets like, Facebook Live, Google Hangouts, etc.

Though it doesn’t offer everything their full program would, it gives you priceless chunks of knowledge at a price that is a fraction of what it would originally cost. When you subscribe, you will have access to every single radio show recording for a lifetime!


The time has come for you to step outside the box and embrace something entirely different. This membership program (jam packed with radio show recordings, interviews and key tips) will totally change your business, guaranteed! No more wasting time on useless articles, eBooks and watching hours and hours of videos showing same outdated stuff.

We are confident in our ability to help you set the foundation for your business so well that you can skyrocket your business immediately! This confidence doesn’t come from hyperbole or a misplaced sense of success, but a tried and true method.

I know that coaches and mentors are just trying to make a living; but I also know that you are trying to do the same thing. And I want to offer you a middle ground that can give you the same results without setting you back. You can learn everything you need to from the long variety of shows available to you at all times.

Now, just because this is technically a middle ground doesn’t mean it is a lesser option. In fact, if you can get the same information for fractions less, isn’t that the preferable option? You have been conditioned to see cheaper as lesser. Cheaper in this case simply means that you’ve tripped into an amazing deal that many others aren’t fortunate to find.

Course Curriculum

  What's Holding You Back?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Work The System featuring Sam Carpenter
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Utilizing A Team to Grow Your Business with Melanie Benson Strick
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Maisha Guy
Maisha Guy

With my back against the wall, I've pushed my way through so many adverse situations. Whether I lacked the education for the job I was hired, or I had to venture to parts of the world that seemed unfamiliar to me, I was always advocating for brands and businesses. It didn't matter how many times I would try to fulfill my own desires of owning my own brick and mortar businesses, the only time I found success is when I invested in others.

The Brand Advocate is definitely a platform and voice for the under dogs in the marketplace. Corporate Success has always been built on the backs of urban or small businesses. As the creator and back bone of well known urban brands and Producer of, Hot Off Da Block, Pretty Face and the Pretty and Petty movement, I am excited that I get the chance to share with you my professional experience.

You Do Not Want to Miss Out on the Honest Wisdom Inside!

The normal price for this Download will increase as we add content to $297…
However, for a limited period of time, we are offering this impeccable download at a price of only $97.
HURRY! This is a limited offer for first 100 people who sign up for the program!

Make A Big Move Today!

Is This Download GOOD For Me?

There is a common saying that ‘haste makes waste’. And though this is often the case, there come certain opportunities handcrafted for the businessman like you, who just can’t wait another second to get started. Many will tell you that taking the long road will bring you higher in the long run. However, they don’t seem to understand that a business is only as good as the person running it.

A good entrepreneur has the ability to make money no matter what his/her start was like; and on the other side of the coin, a bad entrepreneur can take even the best advancements and opportunities and flush them away. Never let someone tell you that your potential rests on how you start.

This download will show you how to start, grow and skyrocket your business by learning everything you need to know about email marketing, social media, building databases, utilizing teams and more.

So if you are looking to grow your business, yes, this course is designed ONLY for you.

Stand Out From The Crowd!

Keeping your business alive comes down to growth. It’s the food that keeps the body running. Needless to say, a body that doesn’t have food for a prolonged period of time is in danger. Your business needs food, so the question becomes, “How do you want to get it?”

There are two ways for you to jumpstart your business:

1. You can hide out on the hunt, waiting and hoping that they can strike something.

2. Or join this powerful membership program to get the secret sauce to a successful business.

When You Listen to These Interviews, You Aren’t Just Paying For An Interview; You Are Investing In Your Future.

We assure you that this download will show you the way to exponential growth and rest assured, you are never locked into a contract with us. This is a one time download, but a lifetime lesson.

We are here to provide you with the necessary tools and give you any help you need along the way!

Take it one step at a time, friends. And step one is Download now!

The difference between success and failure depends on this one thing. The fact is simple: you will only go as far in your career as a professional guidance allow because it is the engine that propels you forward. Think of gears locked in with others, entirely dependent on them to work.

You Deserve It!

Frequently Asked Questions

After I pay what happens?
As soon as you pay you will gain access to the 3 interviews with Call Center, Newsletter and Team Building Guru. Over 120 minutes of building tips for your business.
How long do I have access to the recordings?
How does lifetime access sound? You have unlimited access to the How to Build Your Brand in the Market Place like a Boss as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Okay this straight from the heart and me! Hope this is what you're looking for.

Where do I start to explain the impact Maisha Guy has made with the Marketing growth and success of Hope for Women Magazine. We had a marketing plan but it lay dormant. Under the guidance and leadership of Maisha a significant turnaround happened in the scope of three months. Our Social platforms grew tremendously; readers began to engage on our website, newsletters opt in readers increased. Readers desire more of Hope and with great anticipation awaits what coming. Grateful for Maisha’s drive, charisma and professionalism.

-Angelia White, CEO & Publisher

This course is closed for enrollment.